Perfume and natural fragrances, let yourself be seduced

Contact: Wellness Together Canada
Free resources, online and by phone.
Direct and free support, counsellors available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
1 866 585-0445
or visit their site here

Anxiety Canada offers resources and programs to help anyone who wants to learn more about or understand anxiety.
They also have a free app that will guide you through the CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) approach.
We are strong supporters of the CBT approach at hangar south.
Give it a try, you have absolutely nothing to lose.

We have decided to donate a portion of each sale to an organization that touches our values, deep, deep down.
Interligne is an assistance hotline that accompanies an often forgotten community, that we are part of. Its main objective is to support and inform anyone concerned with issues of sexual and/or gender diversity.
If you need help or if you're going through a tough time, don't hesitate to call: Now!
1 888 505-1010